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1Widescreen LCD Monitors..... Empty Widescreen LCD Monitors..... 8/12/2012, 18:42


A Wee Bit Chatty
A Wee Bit Chatty
Just wondering... does the Indivision ECS play nice with Widescreen LCD Monitors? Wink


Couldn't say, never used the Indivision board and don't own an LCD monitor for use with me miggies... No

Only good old fashioned CRTs here and lovely jittery interlace that after 20 odd years seems normal to me (the whole world I see now jitters)... Smilie

PS:you do realise this site is deader than a dead donkey that's been dead for at least a thousand years and only dug up by archeologists once in a blue moon and poked with a stick just to make sure it is dead before being buried again, don't you... Wink


A Wee Bit Chatty
A Wee Bit Chatty
Yes.... but I'm an undead zombie so I'm right at home here! Widescreen LCD Monitors..... 364988687

The reason I asked this question is 'cause I only have a widescreen LCD hooked to my Mac Mini PPC at home... Anyone that reads any of my posts on the miggy sites knows that the only reason I bought a SAM460 was to "run it all" in emu. Riiiiiiiiggggghhhhhhttttttt! NOT GONNA HAPPEN! As a matter of fact the machine is quit worthless. Play a DVD correctly? Nope... Surf the web? Nope.... Use a joystick? NOPE!!! Stable without constant lockups? NOPE!!! It's really just a $1200.00 ADF machine! Besides I have finally come to the conclusion that if you want to use miggy software and games STICK TO YOUR TRUSTY A1200! So, I was thinking of bringing my A500 or A1200 home to use side by side with the mini - with maybe a monitor switcher. Like I said about a year ago... I don't have a 20 foot long computer desk like Cammy! I do have dual boot on the mini with MOS but just can't seem to get the hang of MOS.

BTW, I installed AmiKit on my mini and it's also worthless and slooooooooow! (I read your post Franko over at AW.N).

The SAM460 was an incredible waste of money and time. Widescreen LCD Monitors..... 1786228450


I have on a couple of occasions tried LCD monitors over the years but could never find one that displayed a good enough picture for me (Poor blacks & poor contrast, and too much motion blur) and I suppose these days it's even harder to find one that syncs down to PAL/ NTSC standard video frequencies, that's why I simply stick with CRTs and a big desk (not as big as Cammys though)... Smilie

I've just got so used the the flickering of interlace modes over all these years that I'm used to it I guess, so the Inivision has simply not been of much interest to me...

Amikit + E-UAE could easily run at 100% speed on my iMac but as I said in that thread (before I got jumped on by the outraged) it's simply lacks something to me and there was no real feeling that I was actually using a miggie...

I'll stick with my A1200's simply because they do what I want and I've spent years getting them that way and to me personally I'm happy with them... Smilie


A Wee Bit Chatty
A Wee Bit Chatty
Franko wrote:I'll stick with my A1200's simply because they do what I want and I've spent years getting them that way and to me personally I'm happy with them... Widescreen LCD Monitors..... 650269930

And that's another thing.... I am absolutely tired of wasting so much time setting up all these supposed Miggy alternatives! Rolling Eyes

You think I could sucker someone into trading a NEW SAM460 for a mint A1200? LOL Probably not..... Widescreen LCD Monitors..... 1805953252

Franko wrote:.........but as I said in that thread (before I got jumped on by the outraged).....................

That's why I prefer to post here..... Cool


A Wee Bit Chatty
A Wee Bit Chatty
Hey!! Shouldn't this site (shite?) be shut down by now? Widescreen LCD Monitors..... 2097682944


bamiga2002 wrote:Hey!! Shouldn't this site (shite?) be shut down by now? Widescreen LCD Monitors..... 2097682944

It's supposed to be but for some weird reason people keep joining it and once in a blue moon people keep posting on it... Pancakes

I only use it to test/ debug HTML code to check the code is working properly before I use it on my other sites... Smilie

So it's really just there for anyone whom wants to read what has already been posted on it (which aint much) or for those whom are really bored to say whatever they like... Afro

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