For burning/ reading/ ripping CD's you cant beat MakeCD on the Amiga... its now frre and you can download it from here...
MakeCD Ver 3.2c Free Download...The software licence key for it is:-
Serial Number: 555555555
License Key: H8HsRww)7Uz)!iXE5PUMfgP#VymA6
Just enter those in the appropriate boxes when you first run MakeCD...
For burning DVD's there is FryingPan but to be honest it's a bit slow and flakey with a lot of drives but it may have been improved by now and does have a GUI ( I haven't checked it out in a long time)...
I ended up writing my own set of small utils for burning. copying & ripping DVD's called ADVDutils but their CLI/Shell only but simple enough to use... you can download them from Aminet...
ADVDutils Ver 1.0...Personally after testing all available CD/ DVD FileSystems for the Amiga I found AllegroCDFS to be the best, especially if your going to burn DVDs, never had any problems with it in all the years of running it and heartily recommend it...
You don't need to delete any other CD flie systems you have as it's what set your CD/ DVD mount files to that determines which CD/ DVD file system is used...
Here's an example of the DosDriver mount file I use to set up my DVD/ CD Drives...
Example of my DOSdriver mount file for one of my DVD/CD Burners called CD2...
Place it in Devs:DosDrivers/ (If you want the CD/DVD drive to be available all the time when you boot up)...
Place it in Storage:DosDrivers (If you only want to mount your CD/DVD drive when it suits you to use it)...
- Code:
/* AllegroCDFS mountlist "/
Filesystem = L:AllegroCDFS
Flags = 0
BlocksPerTrack = 10
BlockSize = 2048
Mask = 0x7ffffffe
LowCyl = 0
HighCyl = 0
Surfaces = 1
Buffers = 30
BuffMemType = 1
GlobeVec = -1
Mount = 1
Priority = 5
DosType = 0x41434453
StackSize = 2048
and set your the following in your devices icons ToolTypes to:-
- Code:
Note change the unit number to whichever unit your CD/DVD is of course (which will depend on which cable you have connected it to the FastATA board with)
You don't need to worry about FastATA 99 it's just an archive of older versions...
After you have run the install program for the FastATA software you will find the following file have been added to your system...
In the C: drawer will be...
C: ATA3.driver (this is the main part that does all the magic and is run from the StartUp-Sequence)...
C: CheckLMB (used for detecting the left mouse button during the StartUp-Seqence to lanch ATA3Prefs to view or modify them)
In the L: Drawer will be...
L:AllegroCDFS (this is of course the filesystem)
In the Prefs: Drawer will be...
Prefs: ATA3Prefs, (which allows you to set the PIO mode, Spilt/ NoSplit etc...)
In your StartUp-Seqeunce the following lines should have been added as well and should always be after SetPatch has been run...
- Code:
The text that says "NOPART" is there because I used the NoSplit Mode when setting things up (it's a typo by the author as I think he meant to put NoSplit in there to match up with the prefs util and documentation or vice versa)
I'll post a copy of my Startup-Sequence so that you can get an idea of where you should find the new line that the install procedure has placed in it that launches the FastATA3 driver so that things are all ready to run every time you boot up...
If you got any questions just ask...
I've got one for you though , you say your using a USB CD drive, just remember the FastATA has nothing to do with that and you need to hook up and IDE/ ATAPI CD/DVD drive to your FastATA board ( a bit obvious I know, but wasn't sure if you realised this after you mentioned the USB one)...